Little Greene Paint Company Launches New Colour Card
Spacetwo is very excited to learn about the Little Greene Paint Company’s new “Colours Of England” colourcard.
Taken directly from the Little Greene Paint Company’s blog they have described their new paint card as …
Image taken from Little Greene Paint Company Website
“The updated palette is extensive. It comprises 184 shades: 170 individual colours 14 of which are repeated in varying strengths as ‘Colour Scales’. The card spans over 300 years of historic interior design and includes many authentic 18th, 19th and 20th century shades, which are denoted by red icons identifying the era of their provenance. These archive colours sit harmoniously alongside contemporary shades conceived to meet the requirements of 21st century living. As a result, the card, whilst duly respectful of period architecture, is also completely in tune with modern life and today’s interior design aesthetics.
The 2017 colour card contains seven new colours, some from the Little Greene archive, (‘Mid Azure Green’, ‘Grey Stone’, ‘Pale Lupin’, ‘Middle Buff’, ‘Light Gold’ and ‘Pleat’), and a new stand-alone shade ‘Mortlake Yellow’ in one of this year’s most on-trend tones.”
As a company and also as homeowners we have always used Little Greene’s paint.
Spacetwo Studio window painted in Juniper Ash and woodwork painted in Gauze by Little Greene Paint Company
The coverage is excellent and reflects the highest quality of materials they use for a price, which is excellent value for the unrivaled finish.
Image taken from The Little Greene Paint Company's Website.
The colours are beautiful and I could imagine it to be very difficult for you not to be able to select a colour you like or one that wouldn’t be suitable for your space. A word of warning though from past experience buy a tester pot first and try it out in the space you are going to use it in as the colours are very light dependent! What looks fine in one room can look like a completely different colour in another!
Colour cards are now available to order from the Little Greene Paint Company.