The Study Bed

Last year at Grand Designs Live I came across a fantastic company who produced pull down beds. The company was called Studybed

When thinking of a pull down bed I always think about a comedy scene where someone is asleep or just getting comfy when the whole things springs up leaving them trapped in a wall cavity with arms and legs flailing around but what I saw was a different story.

These beds are strong and functional and aren’t like a guest bed, which used to be the other problem that they were intended for occasional use. These beds have proper mattresses for a perfect nights sleep and no bad backs! The beds can remain made so it really is just a case of pulling them down when you are ready to go to bed.

There are options also for the wall (base of the bed) to contain a sofa or a desk. This design had cleverly been thought about as anything on the desk remained horizontal so you wouldn’t have to put anything away and giving you the maximum space in the day that you require.

This is the perfect solution for a small cabin type home or tiny house or a smaller modular home where space is at a premium. It would make a perfect space saving solution for a granny annex in the garden for example.