A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Images above everything stay with us as memories for much longer than words. Its this principle that every good graphic designers works from.
Your logo and images are the face of your company. Your logo is usually the first thing people see and the last thing they remember so it is so important to get it right.
Image from Santtchez.blogspot.co.uk
The main features of any good design are colour, shape, space and balance. Getting all these things in the right context for your brand is a process, which involves a lot of thinking, experimenting, research, adapting and refining until you have it right.
The Four main elements of good design
Colour is a very important consideration. Using the wrong colours can give your business the wrong impression or styling. Colours can dictate a mood or set a scene in a customers mind. They can imply if your brand is a high-class product and can set a theme. The power of choosing the right colours for your brand should not be underestimated.
Shape is equally important. Ask yourself what messages will that shape portray? Squares can give connotations of things being linear, fixed or boxed in where as a circle can suggest something that is more fluid or organic.
Balance is also an important consideration. It’s the way that things are arranged to create a feeling of stability. Our eyes are naturally attracted to things, which are either symmetrical (mirror image) or A-Symmetrical where things of different sizes and shapes are placed off center to create a dynamic composition.
When we began to think about SPACETWO’S logo, our initial discussion surrounded the colours we wanted to use. What colours suited the connotations of gardens and garden rooms?
For this we were lucky to have just purchased our lovely Land rover in Keswick Green, so it made our decision easy really! Green, Navy and Grey.
We are incredibly lucky to have Rick Connolly in our family, who is a graphic designer who leads the Design Department at University of Manchester Students' Union. We worked closely with Rick to discuss our vision and then tweak the design to what it is now.
Rick really understood what we wanted our logo to say about our product and we think he really captured the idea of having a second space by using the mirrored image of an outline of a building.
Remember that everything about your brand comes from your logo and its important to have the right one for your product. From our experience I would recommend working with a professional graphic designer to realise your vision for your company or brand. We believe that it is the single most important decision you will make after what you decide to call your company and just the start of many more to come!
Rick can be found at rick_connolly@hotmail.com